Testing In Progress
Testing in Progress, 2014
Scantron Test Forms, Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, Pink Pearl Erasers, Desks, and Latex Paint
“When I was 22 years old, at the end of my degree in education, I did what everyone in the field does--I spent a semester in a public school as a student teacher. A lifelong test taker, this was my first time on the administration end of the process. Since only licensed teachers could proctor the exam, my sole duty was to guard the restroom.”
Students must sign in on an official Restroom Visitor’s Log (complete with timestamps) and are only permitted to enter the facilities one at a time. In the event that multiple students need to use the facilities at the same time, they must sign in and form a queue in the hallway. (This way, they can not “share answers” about their randomized multiple choice test.) While manning my post outside the lavatory, a girl comes around the corner making a beeline for the door. I kindly tell her to sign in and wait in line, but she completely ignores me, as if I don’t exist. She heads straight into the restroom without any regard for the proper protocol of restroom usage during the administration of a state mandated standardized test; upholding the procedure on this day is my sole duty as an educator. Everyone must sign in. Every question must be answered. No talking. If you don’t know, guess. Fill in the bubbles completely. If you must erase, be sure to completely remove the mark from the paper or the test could be scored incorrectly. When in doubt, choose C. After having spent a week on bathroom duty, this girl has so rudely dismissed and ignored me. I start yelling at her and chase after her into the girl’s restroom. The rules and procedures must be followed! As I wrench open the door and begin to sound the alarm on this infraction, one of the other students waiting in line informs me, with a horrified expression across her face, “She’s deaf!”
Scantron Test Forms, Pencils, Pencil Sharpeners, Pink Pearl Erasers, Desks, and Latex Paint
“When I was 22 years old, at the end of my degree in education, I did what everyone in the field does--I spent a semester in a public school as a student teacher. A lifelong test taker, this was my first time on the administration end of the process. Since only licensed teachers could proctor the exam, my sole duty was to guard the restroom.”
Students must sign in on an official Restroom Visitor’s Log (complete with timestamps) and are only permitted to enter the facilities one at a time. In the event that multiple students need to use the facilities at the same time, they must sign in and form a queue in the hallway. (This way, they can not “share answers” about their randomized multiple choice test.) While manning my post outside the lavatory, a girl comes around the corner making a beeline for the door. I kindly tell her to sign in and wait in line, but she completely ignores me, as if I don’t exist. She heads straight into the restroom without any regard for the proper protocol of restroom usage during the administration of a state mandated standardized test; upholding the procedure on this day is my sole duty as an educator. Everyone must sign in. Every question must be answered. No talking. If you don’t know, guess. Fill in the bubbles completely. If you must erase, be sure to completely remove the mark from the paper or the test could be scored incorrectly. When in doubt, choose C. After having spent a week on bathroom duty, this girl has so rudely dismissed and ignored me. I start yelling at her and chase after her into the girl’s restroom. The rules and procedures must be followed! As I wrench open the door and begin to sound the alarm on this infraction, one of the other students waiting in line informs me, with a horrified expression across her face, “She’s deaf!”
previous exhibits:
10.25.14 Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Spokane, WA
10.4.14 One Night Art Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
10.25.14 Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Spokane, WA
10.4.14 One Night Art Gallery, Minneapolis, MN