First movement of Jeremy Wagner's epic new work Zusammenfluss for alto saxophone + piano. This performance is from the world premiere on 6 March 2015 at Studio Z in St. Paul. Neil Nanyi Qiang, piano.
Zusammenfluss—a German word for “confluence” from the roots “Zussammen” (together) and “Fluss” (river, flow)—is a work conceived as a dialog between differing modes of temporal perception. Its central object is glimpsed on a multiplicity of time scales to form distinct streams of activity, combined and re-combined in turbulent flow, to explore notions of consonant and dissonant time. It is the fourth installment in a cycle of German-titled duos and trios that form the basis of a large-scale chamber cycle to be completed in 2015. Zusammenfluss was supported by New Music USA, made possible by annual program support and/or endowment gifts from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Francis Goelet Charitable Lead Trusts, Anonymous.
PERSEPHONE is (loosely) based on the spring maiden’s unwitting descent to the throne of the underworld. Straying from the original Greek mythology, our story finds Persephone on a quest. She (like many of us) is searching for something that can only be found by venturing into (and embracing) the unknown.
Come this next weekend to check out PERSEPHONE at the JSB TEKBOX in the Cowels Center for Dance and the Performing Arts in downtown Minneapolis! A completely original work, this production features an hour-long cycle of new music by composer Ted Moore for viola, saxophones, piano, percussion, and electronics. Direction and choreography by Hannah Holman. Lighting design by Courtney Schmitz-Watson. December 4-6. Buy tickets HERE!
New sounds! This piece agape.Closed for solo voice by Joey Crane was written for me and premiered earlier this month at the Contemporary Music Workshop concert in Ted Mann Concert Hall in Minneapolis, MN. The past week, AVIDduo performed our Different Worlds program and gave lectures and masterclasses at Northeastern State University, Millersville College, and Lafayette College! We were delighted to perform on the Old Wood New Sounds concert series as well which had amazing wine pairings by The Vineyard at Grandview. After our tour, we spent a few days in New York visiting the Yamaha Atelier, seeing some amazing art exhibits, and visiting old friends! I am excited to announce the Different Worlds program for the upcoming AVIDduo performances next month! We will be performing works by Josh Clausen, Anna E. Garman, Kendra Kestner, Tyler Kline, Marc Mellits, Sam Melnick, Mark Oliveiro, and Kirk O'Riordan!
Very excited to announce that Jeremy Wagner will be writing a new work for me funded by New Music USA! To visit the project page, click here.
New piece in the works for AVIDduo by Josh Clausen. Check out this demo video he put together - I am playing on the track! Looking forward to premiering it next season! A late upload, but enjoy this video from a (not so) recent performance with Alexander Richards and Jerrod Wendland of Don Freund's Louder Than Words! |
JKHSaxophonist, Artist, Listener, Thinker, Teacher, Performer, Curator, Veggie, Reader, Lover of Contemporary Music Archives
June 2017